Friday, January 31, 2020
Ethics And Governance Essay Example for Free
Ethics And Governance Essay It raises the interelated notions of individual rights, fairness, equality and entitlement. The principles vary in numerous dimensions. These issues explore the appropriate distribution of social and economic benefits and related costs. There are five principles included an equal share for each individual, a share according to the needs of each individual, a share according to the efforts of each individual, a share according to the social contribution of each individual and a share according to the merits of each individual. There are three theories of distributive justice included Libertarianism, Utilitarian and Egalitarianism. Libertarianism approach It is a theory that defends unlimited laissez-faire capitalism as the only morally justified regime. Libertarian required for the maximization of freedom and liberty or the minimization of violations in these as long as the corporations don’t harm other’s freedom and not breaking the law. Following Locke, Nozick, the entitlement theory depends on the original acquisition of holding, the legitimate transfer of holdings to/ form others and the illegal acquisition of holdings. Libertarianism is doesn’t consider actual distributing in society. It means that the right of every individual to unlimited utilization of his own person (self-ownership); and the right to unrestricted, or relatively mildly limited, appropriation of external resources without suffering others and fraud from these transactions. In addition, an individual has exclusive right to all the goods that are product of use of his talents and efforts and he has either the right to appropriate all natural resources, which he finds and takes before others. Whether the distribution is just depends solely on how holdings were acquired. Property rights are derived from an individual’s basic moral rights, which take priority over all social or legislative arrangements imposed by society. This theory is interested only in this that the above procedures are satisfied and that nobody has used violence to take some goods from others. Forceful intervention of the state for the sake of helping the poor is not allowed. Therefore, any taxation involves violating of libertarianism and allowing some people to own other people. As my choosing company PARKnSHOP Supermarket which organized by Hutchison Whampoa Limited, it is affecting environment that stop handing out plastic bags automatically for customers. For libertarian view, they have used the libertarian approach on their corporate actions and the legitimacy of their actions. The customers have their freedom and choice and right to buy something with plastic bag. Everyone kwon that the plastic bag offered by PARKnShop’s which is not good for the environment. However, most of people like to buy something with plastic bag because they have their freedom and self-ownership. For libertarian, it is ethic for PARKnSHOP’s can offer biodegradable bags and do the promotion on use biodegradable bags and involuntary levy on bags to the customers. It is because PARKnSHOP’s is rewarded so long as they are not breaking the law and don’t harm other’s freedom. However, it’s has some arguments against the libertarianism. It is because any taxation and helping environment involves violating of libertarianism. But, it always helping environment and do a lot of community activities such as involvement in the â€Å"Say No to Plastic Bags†campaign. Utilitarian approach Utilitarianism is the ethical doctrine that the moral worth of an action is solely determined by its contribution to overall utility. Following John Stuart Mill, utilitarian approach is a theory that takes as its primary aims the attainment and concern with maximum possible personal happiness of a society as a whole, which should ultimately determine what is just or unjust behavior. This goal is to be achieved in such a way that one first checks what makes every particular individual in a society happy, then sums up all these various wants and preferences, and finally finds out how to satisfy the greatest number of them. John Stuart Mill acknowledged that the society can receive more return from the more efficient laborer and it is just that talented workers can receive the greater remuneration. It is obtain efficient us of the resources if allow people to benefit from labor. A redistribution of resources increases general happiness of a society. However, the arbitrary and great disparity of distinctions and advocate strict equality may cause the unjust behavior and may cause social breakdown. It is because it would have an adverse influence on the working motivation of the able individuals, and thereby on the overall wealth of the society. Therefore, the utilitarian standard is essential for resolving any conflict between rival principles of justice and increases the allover happiness of a society. The main task is to find a balance between factors that point towards equality and those ones that go against it. It seems that the utilitarian view can be found in PARKnSHOP’s. For PARKnSHOP’s, it concerned with the maximization of happiness of society. It’s has providing a lot of jobs opportunity for the people. Also, PARKnSHOP’s are willing to do the supports community programs, which operate at the grassroots level, usually focused on local, global environment-related issues. It’s always giving back to society and help to create a better end and achieved to the utilitarian. However, it is not mean that can justify the ends. It is because the plastic bag of PARKnSHOP’s is a big problem. The research from the Friends of Earth (HK) shows shoppers want a bag whose need to pay 20 cents for each one. If the levy is constrained, they will initiative to reduce plastic use. One of the reasons of this research is because of they have already build up a habit of using plastic bags. They are driving a change with making profit and contributions. It is a big problem and not concerned with the maximization of personal happiness and argues to the Utilitarian View. Egalitarian approach John Rawls explores the egalitarian approach and tries to determine principles of just society with the help of hypothetical contract among members of a society. His hypothetical introduces the notion of an abstract social contract to establish principles of justice. It is supposed by John Rawls that individuals who make this contract primarily care for their self-interest, that they are rational, well informed about human nature and functioning of society, and that they are placed under so called veil of gnorance. They are also assumed to know nothing about those of their characteristics, individual situation and circumstances that might influence impartiality of the decision-making. In egalitarian, that all members of a society should have the equal social, political, and economic rights and opportunities. John Rawls addressed that each person h as equal right to the most extensive scheme same basic liberties and defends this notion that every individual would be assured justice as equal treatment for all once the veil of ignorance is removed. In addition, John Rawls addressed that social and economic inequalities are to meet two conditions. The two conditions are economic inequalities are allowed but only if they benefit even the least advantaged individuals and attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair quality of opportunity. The basic social structure, not the transactions between individuals, should establish justice as a cooperative project for the mutual benefit of society, and minimize the socioeconomic consequences or random natural differences between people. For PARKnSHOP’s, the stakeholders of it is included employees, customers, suppliers materials, wholesales, creditors, government and the environment society. It seems that the equalitarianism can be maintained. It’s paid the high taxes. It’s has always been committed to serving the community through involvement in the territories many social services for all stakeholders as well as charity work such as World Wide Fund for Nature. In addition, they are care about the welfare of people and built up the Li Ka Shing Foundation for the people who in hospital, education, construction and support the community activities and benefit people worldwide. It’s help people in need around the world and gives the equal social, political, and economic rights and opportunities for the people. It is the mutual benefit of society, and minimizes the socioeconomic consequences or random natural differences between people. Moreover, It’s gives the equal job opportunity to the minority and women.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
The Poetry of Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin Essay -- Biography Biogr
The Poetry of Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin  In reading poetry, from many different genres, its seems that politically motivated verse seems to dominate, next to love that is. It also seems that poets have a desire to live in a different time, a different place. No one ever seems to be content with the condition of their world, yet, I suppose that is in the nature of humans. We all want something better or something from the past that we can't have. Wither it be the simplicity, the passion, the technology that we don't have, the peace that once was or the greatness that has long been gone, poets that are political in nature suggest a very personal, yet pervading utopia. Two poets who, political in nature, that were born in the same year, lived in the same part of the world, and who attending the same college prove to be an interesting contrast to one another. Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin are both natives of England and are considered 'Modernists', but what they suggest isn't a "better place" or a different time. Their wo rk represents a change in attitude, from looking at what isn't to looking at reality and what is.      Of course, each of these poets has a different perspective, for there is not one single motive, desire or drive that can be defined as the essence of life. One cannot describe someone's work as being all or none of this or of that. What is interesting, though, is the subjective nature each poet has in their view of life and how that is portrayed in their poetry. Each one has a unique quality that sets them apart from the rest and each has characteristics that provide the reader with clues as to their perspective on life.          In reviewing the poetry of Amis, one can’t help but read Again... ... Larkin, Philip. Collected Poems. Victoria: The Marvell Press; London: Faber and Faber, 2003. Print â€Å"Philip Larkin†. Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia. 8 January 2009. "Larkin Study Notes." Web. 14 Apr. 2010. . "Philip Larkin." Academy of American Poets. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. . "Philip Larkin." New World Encyclopedia. 29 Aug. 2008. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. .
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Health Law and Regulations Paper Essay
In the last decade, the debate over the ethics of organ and transplant allocation has intensified and the attention sensationalized in the media. At the core of this issue, critical questions remain. They include but are not limited to those regarding economics, race, and geographic inequity and about the moral relevance and weight of geography, economics, and other disparities and inequities in transplant allocation (Stanford University, 2012). Transplant allocation raises questions regarding the four of the basic major ethical principles of medical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, justice and non-maleficence. As such, bioethicists typically refer to the four principles of health care ethics in their evaluation of the merits and difficulties of medical procedures such as transplants. With regards to issue of transplant allocation, the four ethical principles can be applied to the issue in the following ways: Autonomy The principle of autonomy involves the patient having ‘a voice,’ ownership, autonomy of thought, action, intention and level of advocacy when making decisions regarding their health care procedures. As such, and as it relates to transplant allocation, the decision-making process should and must be free of coercion or coaxing of all involved and even the families of deceased individuals (Robertson, 2005; SU, 2012). In order for a patient and for families to make educated and fully informed decision, they must understand all risks and benefits of the allocation and the actual transplant procedure as well as the likelihood for success, especially since the process can illicit intense emotions, financial and physical set-backs(SU, 2012). Beneficence This principle stipulates that the transplant allocation and procedure be solely conducted with only the best intent of doing well for the patient(s) involved. As such, the principle then also requires that health care providers develop and maintain the needed skills and knowledge, that they continuously update training and educational courses, consider individual circumstances of each and every patient, and strive to maximize the benefits as healthy and positive as possible (SU, 2012). Justice The principle of justice is grounded in the idea that the burdens and benefits of new or experimental treatments must be distributed equally among all groups in society. Therefore, as it relates to transplant allocation, the allocation or access to organs should be a fair process and not one in which ‘the highest and wealthiest bidder gets the organ transplant or the mere fact of only the rich have access to health insurance. That is not justice fair or equitable distribution of healthcare and in this case transplant allocation (Childress, 2001). The principle requires that transplant allocation and procedures uphold the spirit of existing laws and are fair to all players involved. As such, the health care provider must consider the four main areas when evaluating justice: fair distribution of scarce resources, competing needs, rights and obligations, and potential conflicts with established legislation (SU, 2012). Non-maleficence This principle requires that a transplant procedure does not intentionally or maliciously bring unanticipated harm to the patient, donor or others involved in the process. Surgeons operate under the assumption that they are doing little to no harm by pursuing the greater good. However, overall desired outcomes must be facilitated through the careful monitoring especially since transplant allocation can be inequitable, unfair and even the procedures do fail and can affect the emotional state of the patient. In some extreme cases, sometimes it is difficult for doctors successfully to do no harm principle (SU.2012). Transplant allocation often has a ripple effect as Burdick(2005) asserts: â€Å"Because there are not enough donated organs, all patients and practitioners are bound together by a community of medicine principle: whenever a patient receives a transplant, it diminishes the chance that other potential recipients will be able to receive this gift of life in time to save them.†(275). Other very sad and disturbing well-known facts include but are not limited to: although through organ transplants many people have been helped and given a new ‘lease on life,’ a growing number of transplant candidates suffer and die waiting for life-enhancing or life-saving organs that just never materialize (SU, 2012). In conclusion, it is imperative that we stop, think and ask: How are organs for transplant allocated? How should they be allocated? In accordance with which ethical principle, theory, or precept? Should this scarce, expensive, life-saving therapy be only available to those who can ‘afford’ it and should it be distributed among the growing numbers of those who need it? (SU, 2012). According to Childress (2001), â€Å"the success of policies of organ procurement may reduce scarcity and hence obviate some of the difficulties of organ allocation. However, distrust is a major reason for the public’s reluctance to donate organs, and policies of organ procurement may be ineffective if the public perceives the policies of organ allocation as unfair and thus untrustworthy.†(p. 366). Transplant allocation creates ethical dilemmas because like general health care and health insurance, access and treatment are not equally available to everyone. Subsequently, in order for a medical practice to be considered â€Å"ethical†; it must respect all of the four ethical principles. Furthermore, it is critical that medical professionals, bioethicists, patients, and health insurers be cognizant of potential conflicts of interest when formulating and evaluating policies regarding transplant allocation (Burdick, 2000; SU, 2012). Many ethical and moral questions remaining include but are not limited to: racial and ethnic inequity, the moral relevance and weight of waiting time, the ethics of directed donation to individuals and groups, as well as those regarding the overarching ethical framework in which organs for transplant should be allocated. With such compelling questions and related aspects considered, it is mandatory, critical, inevitable and beneficial for all involved that the Council on Bioethics pays very close attention to the ethics of organ allocation. References Burdick, J. (2000). Responses to a critique of UNOS liver allocation policy by Kenneth Einar Himma. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 9, 275-283 Childress, J. (2001). Putting patients first in organ allocation: An ethical analysis of the U.S. Debate. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 10: 365-376 Robertson, C. (2005). Who is really hurt anyway? The problem of soliciting designated organ donations. The American Journal of Bioethics, 5 (4):16-17. Stanford University. (2012).What are the ethical concerns regarding egg donation? Retrieved from
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Domestic Violence And Its Effects On Women - 1599 Words
Domestic violence is a large social issue around the world that is commonly associated with the mistreatment of women. However, there are many different forms of domestic violence that affect men, women, and children (Domestic Violence 1). Victims of domestic violence may suffer not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. Domestic violence is a very important social issue because it negatively affects both the abuser and the victim. In the article, â€Å"Domestic Violence and Abuse: Types, Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Effects,†the authors, Benedictis, Jaffe, and Segal, claim that, â€Å"Domestic abuse is not a result of losing control; domestic abuse is intentionally trying to control another person. The abuser is purposefully using verbal, nonverbal, or physical means to gain control over the other person†(Benedictis, Jaffe, Segal 1). Desiring control over the victim is one of the leading causes of domestic violence. Domestic violence is caused by, but not limited to, a partner’s need to dominate, past and childhood experiences, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse. Furthermore, domestic violence tends to appear in many forms . Nonetheless, domestic violence is an occurring problem in today’s society and continuously takes a toll on millions worldwide. There are five initial forms of domestic violence: physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and economic (New York State 1). Physical abuse is the act of inflicting pain or physical injury towards someone else and/orShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women1654 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Violence against women has been recognised internationally by the world Health Organization (WHO, 2013).Women has been facing different types of violence since the age of 15 such as physical, emotional or verbal abuse. The highest prevalence of domestic violence (DV) is from their intimate partner/perpetrator both physical emotional (WHO, 2013). It has been depicted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2013) that rate of domestic violence against women by their intimateRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women1652 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic violence is present in all regions of the world regardless of race, culture, or religion. It is not uncommon for men to experience spousal abuse. However, in reality abuse done by men towards women is a much more common occurrence. Men often abuse women as a result of negative domestic relationships experienced during childhood, the feeling of inadequacy and mental illness. However, the leading cause for this behaviour is the feeling of inferiority and the need to exert power. StereotypicallyRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women1601 Words  | 7 Pagesquestions that women who suffer from domestic violence ask themselves everyday. Thousands of women every year face abuse from their male partners. It is estimated that three women a day are murdered in the US everyday by a current or past male partner (Huffington Post), therefore proving that an argument between two people in love can result in more than just heartbreak. Partner abuse against women is an epidemic that needs to be addressed. Domestic violence is a very serious issue that women face in modernRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women Essay1246 Words  | 5 Pagesaddressed the domestic violence and continue to persist as a social problem affecting a large number of Canadian Women. The authors are trying to answer this question giving some statistics, how the women are abused from their partner, such as the vio lence reported when the relationship is ended, and is some other case the violence starts after the separation. Furth more the authors mention another key answer that I think could be a question, is what are the effects of domestic violence? Alaggia, RegehrRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women1362 Words  | 6 PagesDomestic violence is a sensitive topic even though media and society are providing more information about this topic. Domestic violence not only affects women but children and family in general. This issue is a very sensitive topic and not a lot of individuals are comfortable talking about it or sharing if they have either experience or have someone in their lives that had been subjected to abuse. Sadly, domestic violence is experienced by many people and it does not matter what race, gender, socialRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women2258 Words  | 10 Pagespossible effects of witnessing domestic violence as a child. Use psychological theory to explain your answer. Research has continuously shown that men are the primary perpetrators of violence and women being the victims which has led to increased awareness of the effects of Domestic violence on women. However, what researchers have failed to acknowledge is that women too can be perpetrators of violence and abuse against their partners and children (World Health Organisation, 2012). Although women canRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women889 Words  | 4 PagesDomestic violence can often go unnoticed, unreported and undeterred before it’s too late. Unfortunately, recent awareness efforts have gathered traction only when public outcry for high profile cases are magnified through the media. Despite this post-measured reality, a general response to domestic violence (DV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) by the majority of the public is in line with what most consider unacceptable and also with what the law considers legally wrong. Consider by many, moreRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Women1183 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom there. Everyone in a homebound affiliation is at risk of obtaining a violent status. Domestic violence has had the grandest impact on women. It can be found all over the world, within various countries. Domestic violence has a harsh, negative, and destructive influence on women; domestic violence can lead to em otional, physical, and psychological damage. Domestic violence is defined as an act of violence within the household. The aforementioned is one of the most underestimated and underreportedRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence Towards Women2023 Words  | 9 Pages Domestic violence towards women is a problem that is often overlooked by society. Violence is defined in Webster s Dictionary as: â€Å" Physical force employed so as to damage or injure. As an instance of violent action.†(Webster) If this is the case, then why is it that so many women are beaten by loved ones each year? And little or nothing is done to correct this violent situation? A battered woman is pictured by most people as a small and flimsy person who might once have been pretty. SheRead MorePhysical and Psychological Effects of Domestic Violence on Women1593 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States†(Jones 87). Every twelve seconds, a woman is beaten by a man (Jones 6). Every nine days, a woman is murdered by her husband or boyfriend (Jones 7). Statistics like these outline the severity and seriousness of the domestic violence epidemic in this country. Unfortunately, it has taken lawmakers too long to recognize domestic violence as a devastating situation that affects millions of people both physically
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