Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Malcolm X s Views On Religion Essay - 1239 Words
The opinions that many people have about religion derive from their association with churches, mosques, and other places of worship. However, Malcolm X defied the usual curve of religious doctrine and embraced what he felt was right for him and those who shared his views. In his autobiography, Malcolm X abandoned atheism to become a follower of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and later, he ended up following Eastern Islam. In the Autobiography of Malcolm X, Malcolm’s views and his idealism is derived from his practice of Islam and his will to fight for the rights of African Americans also come from the same base. The theme of religion is introduced in the autobiography during Malcolm’s time in the state prison of Massachusetts. While in prison, he started to study books in a small library. Later in 1948, Malcolm was moved to Norfolk Prison. There was little violence in this prison and inmates could debate and study freely. While in prison, Malcolm studied many books such as religion, history, literature, linguistics, and biology. Malcolm first heard about the Nation of Islam from his home when Reginald, his brother requested him to do so, and this became his first step into full conversion to Islam. Reginald told him about a spiritual leader called Elijah Muhammad who preached against the evils of white people and compared them as the devils. Consequently, he recalled the way his family was split by social workers and a teacher who always watered down his dream of becoming aShow MoreRelatedMalcolm X : An Influential Leader Of The Civil Rights Era1556 Words  | 7 PagesMalcolm X was one of the most influential leaders of the civil rights era, along with Martin Luther King Jr. I have chosen this speech because I think it shows prime examples of rhetoric. This speech was very important to the people of the civil rights movement as it motivated and empowered them not to back down and to fight back with force. He was adamant in his resistance to white oppression and very militant in his actions. He both invigorated and separated the African Americans throughRead MoreMalcolm X : A Leader Of The Nation Of Islam1424 Words  | 6 PagesMalcolm X was a leader who, was the spokesman for the Nation of Islam, an African American political and religious movement, embraced the Black Power philosophy. Malcolm Little was born May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska, the fourth of seven children. His Father was a local leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and his mother served as secretary and branch reporter, sending news of local UNIA activities to Negro World, a weekly newspaper established in New York, they inculcatedRead MoreSteve Biko vs. Malcolm X1722 Words  | 7 PagesMalcolm X and Steve Biko Black Consciousness Malcolm X and Steve Biko were one of the two most preeminent leaders in world history. These men changed lives and stood up for millions of Africans and African Americans during their short lives. These two men lived by a saying â€Å"black is beautiful†. They also believed that black people in the United States as well as Africans mainly in South Africa deserved the same rights and equality as any other man in the world. They lived through the rough eraRead MoreMartin Malcolm : A Dream Or A Nightmare951 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Martin Malcolm America Peace†If one man never steps forward to show all the others that change is possible, nothing will ever change. When you look back at history of the American civil rights movement, Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are still often two of the first names even someone of today’s society may think of. They were, and still are, some of the most influential men to ever live. As young African-American men living during a time of harsh global, but most importantlyRead MoreThe Ballot Or The Bullet By Malcolm X1151 Words  | 5 Pages Malcolm X, a Black Nationalist, Muslim minister and a human rights activist, was executed by men from the Black Muslim Movement cult that he had recently left for good. An analysis of Malcolm X’s earlier debate with Bayard Rustin (1962) in comparison to his later speech â€Å"The Ballot or the Bullet†(1964) acknowledges his idol worship of Elijah Muhammad in the Black Muslim Movement and documents his transformation into an enlightened and open-minded Civil Rights Leader before his tragic assassinationRead MoreMalcolm X was a Symbol of the Civil Rights Movement1573 Words  | 6 Pagesprepare for it today.†Malcolm X The 1920’s, or the â€Å"Roaring Twenties†, was a time in American history described as the â€Å"Wild West†. Prohibition brought controversy and anarchy to the once civilized American society, with mobs and gangs at the peak of their power with leaders such as Al Capone supplying alcohol and guns to the public. This was also a time of heightened racial segregation, with boundaries being set such as only white bathrooms and schools. Malcolm (X) Little was born in thisRead More Malcolm X, the Movie Essay1118 Words  | 5 Pagesversion of Malcolm Xs life is similar to the historical Malcolm X. By watching the movie and knowing who he was and his beliefs, one can easily tell how alike they are. When the movie starts Malcolm Little is getting his hair cut. The appearance is that he wants to look more like a white person. Malcolm Xs father is a preacher, but the KKK came to the house to burn it down. Later, Malcolms father is killed by being tied to the rail road tracks when a train comes. His father died when Malcolm was justRead MoreEssay on Malcolm X962 Words  | 4 PagesMalcolm X On May 19, 1925 Malcolm Little was born to Louise and Earl Little. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska. Malcolm was the seventh of eleven children. Malcolms father, Earl, was a Baptist minister from Reynolds, Georgia. His mother was raised in Grenada in the British West Indies. His father was also became an organizer for Marcus Garveys Universal Negro Improvement Association. Marcus Garvey and his followers fought for racial separation and more power for blacks. Growing up, MalcolmsRead MoreEssay on Malcolm X1699 Words  | 7 Pages The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley was published in 1965. It is national best seller about the life and times of Malcolm X. On May 19, 1925 Malcolm Little was born in Omaha, Nebraska. His father was a preacher who spoke out about the unity of black people. This caused several white racists to strike out against Malcolm’s father and his family violently. His family moved to Lansing, Michigan where Malcolm, his parents, brothers, and sisters were shot at, burned out of their home, harassedRead MoreMalcolm X : A Man Not Many People Truly Know About1598 Words  | 7 Pages A righteous and amazing individual known as Malcolm X was a man not many people truly know about. Malcolm’s enthusiasm in helping blacks really understand the world they live in and their credence in their society should at the least be welcomed so a correlation can be established and the world can focus on more pressing issues other than race. He was an angry, potent activist and motivated extremist for all the right reasons. In his life he had to overcome many obstacles and triumph over many
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Benefits Of A Small Business - 967 Words
Small-Business Preference Service-Disabled Veterans have earned the right to receive certain preferences for government contracting because they volunteered to serve their country. Congress established programs to benefit Service-Disabled Veterans, choose three programs and describe these programs. Explain how these programs benefit a small business over a large business. Small Disadvantaged Business The Small Disadvantage Business was established by Congress to provide an opportunity to businesses that are consider disadvantaged. This group has to be subject to racial or ethnic prejudice, or cultural bias. The candidates for this program have limited access to capital or credit opportunities. They have to be part of a minority ethnic group usually, Hispanic, Asian, African American, and Native American. These groups are considered to be socially disadvantaged according to the regulations. The business that is owned has to be at least fifty one percent controlled by a socially, and economic disadvantage individual. There is also an income restriction. The individual cannot have income, and property that exceeds seven hundred, and fifty thousand dollars (Business, 2001). Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business This preference program is for was establish for veterans that have a service connected disability that was determine by the Department of Veteran Affairs the business still has to be certified as a small business, under the criteria issued by the North AmericanShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of A Small Business737 Words  | 3 Pagesover-saturated at the moment, there is always the opportunity of a business, speculating the opportune moment when to enter the market, by zoning, by location or by the category of consumers to whom the offer of services is addressed. Personally, I believe that the biggest scarcity what I meet at this moment is the time, being very busy, sometimes I have the impression that it needs 48 hours to have a full day, but if I were to think of a business opportunity, the first example comes from my neighborhoodRead MoreBenefits Of A Small Business Essay1582 Words  | 7 Pagesmillion people work in the grounds maintena nce industry which creates and beautiful landscapes. Among the thousands of workers and businesses that comprise the lawn care industry, two groups exist: large and small companies. Greatly profitable enterprises, as a result of their successful business strategies, customarily invest profits in the company to increase employment and diversify the selection of offered services. Consequently, as the company’s aptitude to service a larger clientele increasesRead MoreBenefits Of A Small Business2005 Words  | 9 PagesI. Executive Summary In order to finance future expansion or get past a temporary business slow down (particularly in seasonal business) it is necessary to raise working capital and that involves determining which method of financing is best; debt or equity. II. Business Challenge One of the main challenges businesses face when trying to grow is how to raise the necessary working capital to achieve the necessary growth, whether for additional employees, inventory or plant expansion, technologyRead MoreBenefits Of Social Networking On Small Business2027 Words  | 9 Pages1.What potential benefits might social networking websites offer to small business? There are so many benefits social networking websites offer to small businesses. When an individual starts a business, the main motive for starting the business is profit and to achieve that the company must be recognized, before the internet became available small business struggled to get recognition and there no proper way to make sure that their business existed but the arrival of internet changed all this exRead MoreThe Benefits Of Rural Small Business Grant1110 Words  | 5 PagesEvery state is offering what they call the rural small business grant program. This is actually available for those people who are situated in a town but dont have enough money to capitalize in having a business of their own. Fortunately the government is allotting millions of dollars in order to fund this grant. If you want to apply for a rural business loans, you need to apply for it. The process is actually simple and it takes a faster approval especially if you can fulfill the requirements.Read MoreBenefits Of Effective Protection Measures For Small Business849 Words  | 4 PagesEvery business from small to big the information security has become a risk factor which has put all business in a verse of serous risk. On this paper we will be more focused general explanation of the business need for information security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, non-repudiation, authentication, and authorization. This policy, which is listed in paper, can be mitigating denial of service (DOS), which can lead several losses in small business. Finally costs and benefits of effectiveRead MoreBenefits Of An Effective Protection Measure Essential For Small Business Essay913 Words  | 4 PagesEvery business from small to big, the information security has become a risk factor which has put all business on the verse of serious risk. In this paper, we will be more focused on general explanations of the business need for information security, confidentiality, integrity, availab ility, non-repudiation, authentication, and authorization. This policy, which is listed on paper, can be mitigating denial of service (DOS), which can lead several losses in small business. Finally, costs and benefitsRead MoreThe Benefits of E-Commerce to the Small Business Owner Essay1843 Words  | 8 Pagesof the entire business universe. E-commerce relates to that part of e-business that includes transactions that involve money. The larger concept of e-business, however, goes well beyond buying and selling items on the Internet. E-business is about using information, technology, and resources to conduct business online. The processes of marketing your goods and services to your members, e-tailing, can be compared to a store front where you display products and solicit business from othersRead MoreBenefits Of A Small Business Center At Central Piedmont Community College Essay860 Words  | 4 PagesFive years from now I see myself running a small business. Background knowledge as well as experience is needed to run a small business. To gain knowledge I will take advantage of the Small Business Center at Central Piedmont Community College. The Small Business Center provides vast resources and counseling at no cost. Counseling that is provided in the Small Business Center helps with business planning, business growth, or cash flow management. For counseling I would have to request counselingRead MoreThe Importance Of Human Resource Management Within The Business1738 Words  | 7 Pages The Importance of Human Resources in Small Business Derrick Rowley Business 224 Dennis Oden 7 June 2015 â€Æ' Abstract Within this paper you will find that HR is vital to all businesses, but can greatly affect the long-term success of a small business. Small businesses can have a difficult time finding qualified individuals to help with the production side of the business. That is why having human resource management within the business is so important. HR sets the planning process and within
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Raisin in the Sun - 1346 Words
Though there was a heightened sense of tension over civil rights in the late 1950s when A Raisin in the Sun was written, racial inequality is still a problem today. It affects minorities of every age and dynamic, in more ways than one. Though nowadays it may go unnoticed, race in every aspect alters the way African-Americans think, behave, and react as human beings. This is shown in many ways in the play as we watch the characters interact. We see big ideas, failures, and family values through the eyes of a disadvantaged group during an unfortunate time in history. As Martin Luther King said, Blacks are â€Å"...harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living constantly at tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what†¦show more content†¦Toward the end of the play his spirit is broken, and he behaves almost like a madman, plotting to give in to Lindner and accept his offer; this action greatly worries his mother. The whole time, Walter wasn’t simply looking for a chance to follow through with his plans. He was seeking support from the system that he found himself subject to. This idea comes up in Gertrude Samuels’ Even More Crucial Than in the South. â€Å"†¦the real drive that is now rising ominously is a demand for personal dignity†(Samuels 1546). His personal dignity is at stake repeatedly throughout the story when he finds himself battling against a troubled family and a corrupt system. The racism-steeped social system negatively affects African-American males and females, causing deeply rooted issues. The three women in the story, Beneatha, Ruth, and Mama, represent the different views Black women took during these troublesome times. There were women like Beneatha, who didn’t want to live the typical life of a wife and mother, and openly disapproved the assimilation of Blacks into American culture as well: â€Å"Because I hate assimilationist Negroes!†(Hansberry 1500). She wanted to become highly educated, and to change the world somehow. She wanted to be something. Beneatha is a very strong-willed, hard-headed character. This could very well have been caused by the unfair rules of her time constantly being reiterated to her through several mediums. Over and over again she is told that she mustShow MoreRelatedA Raisin Of The Sun896 Words  | 4 PagesWhen I first read â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†I thought it to be quite humorous and lighthearted. However after reading it again for a second time I noticed that while it is humorous, it is also set in a time where things were far from lighthearted for African Americans. This particular play was set in the 1950’s which was a very difficult time for the United States in regards to race relations. I thoroughly enjoyed this story not only because of the controversy within the family unit but also becauseRead MoreA Raisin Of The Sun1319 Words  | 6 PagesEssay 3: Suggested Topics A Raisin in the Sun was a play written in the late 1950’s analyzing the cruel effects of racism amongst the Younger family. The younger family suffers from racial discrimination within their living space, place of employment, and the housing industry. Racism has been going on for a very long time in the United States and will always continue to exist. Racism has not only led to political but also social issues. A Raisin in the Sun confronted Whites for an acknowledgementRead Moreâ€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†700 Words  | 3 PagesLorraine Hansberry used symbolism in her successful drama, â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†to portray emotions felt in the lives of her characters and possible her own. Hansberry set her piece in Chicago’s South Side, probably the early 1950’s. During this period in history, many African-Americans, like the Youngers, struggled to overcome the well-known prejudices that were far too familiar. The main scene, in this touching r ealist drama, is the home of the Youngers, an overcrowded run-down apartment. Read MoreRaisin in the sun1171 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST! A Raisin in the Sun: Unit Exam Directions: Using a number two pencil, fill in the letter with the best answer. I. MATCHING: Match each character with the proper description. One will be left over. 1. Beneatha a. man whose death brings the Youngers $10,000 2. Ruth b. thinks women only need to be pretty sophisticated 3. Travis c. a messenger of bad news 4. Walter Lee d. runs off with $6500 5. Walter e. represents pride in AfricanRead MoreA Raisin in the Sun - 41047 Words  | 5 PagesTania Garcia A raisin in the sun Prof. Natalie Sandler November, 27, 2012 A Raisin in the sun In a Raisin in the sun people wondered about Walter Lee’s inner journey. A Raisin in the sun is a play that explorer’s the struggles of African American people who achieve their desires. It’s about an African American family trying to pursue an American dream of owning their own home but in the process they encounter racismRead MorePoverty In A Raisin In The Sun1413 Words  | 6 PagesEconomic and societal poverty are the key forms of poverty highlighted in the three-act play, A Raisin in the Sun. Lorraine Hansberry, the playwright, discusses the hardships of African-Americans attempting to emerge in society in the 1950’s. The play is staged in ways where the audience can grasp the trifles of an African-American family continuously experiencing setbacks whilst attempting to achieve their notion of the â€Å"American Dream†. To Walter Lee Younger, his idea of the â€Å"American Dream†Read MoreA Raisin in the Sun Essay1752 W ords  | 8 PagesA Raisin in the Sun Creativity of Hansberry played a crucial role in the development of African-American drama since the Second World War. A Raisin in the Sun was the first play by African-American author which was set on Broadway and was honored by the circle of New York theater critics. Drama of A Raisin in the Sun (1959) brought Hansberry to the Award Society of New York Critics as the best play of the year. A Raisin in the Sun shows the life of an ordinary African-American family which dreamsRead MoreAnalysis Of A Raisin In The Sun1185 Words  | 5 PagesArianna Williams-Smart English 1B Professor Quinn Final Essay The epigraph to A Raisin in the Sun is Langston Hughes poem called A Dream Deferred which was written as an example of life in harlem. The lines are a introduction to the white societys actions to take away equal opportunity from black citizens. Hughes main point is that there could be consequences when peoples frustrations build up or accumulate to the point where they have to either surrender their dreams or allow strenuousRead MoreSummary Of A Raisin Of The Sun 1052 Words  | 5 PagesEric Herrera 1103 English Prof Nathan Camp October 13, 2014 A Raisin in the Sun The American Dream is the guiding ideology for the United States. A belief that every citizen of this country has an equal opportunity to prosper and achieve his or her personal dreams. A belief that has been constantly scrutinized due to the overwhelming role that race can play to complicate that dream. Although, Lorraine Hansberry’s â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†may have been written in 1959. It’s one of the first pieces ofRead MoreA Raisin in the Sun Essay580 Words  | 3 Pages A raisin in the sun is a true story about an African American family that fights about who should get the money. Mama is the one that has the money, she wants to use the money to buy a house but Walter wants the money to invest it in a liquor store, and Beneatha needs the money for college to become a doctor. Eventually Mama decides to give the money to Walter but then Walter loses the money,the guy he gave the money to ran off with the money.When the family bought the house Mr.Lind er pays them
The Harlem Renaissance Essay - 1145 Words
The Harlem Renaissance In Harlem between the 1920’s and 1930’s the African American culture flourished, especially in areas such as music, art, literature, dance, and even in film. This soon became known as the Harlem Renaissance. With the entire positive and the negative situations of this time period the African Americans still seemed to have it all. The Harlem Renaissance came about because of the changes that had taken place in the African American community after the abolition of slavery because of World War I and the social and cultural changes in early 20th century in the United States. After harsh conditions for African Americans after the Plessy vs. Ferguson Trial many of them decided to move to the North to New York. By†¦show more content†¦Also during this time Marcus Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL), in which they both aimed to bring opportunities into the African American community . Not only did this help make African Americans feel proud of their race, but it also brought them together, not only in New York, but all over the country. They soon began to create a lifestyle for themselves that was equivalent to the White Americans and began to advance in the areas of jazz music, art, and literature. All this is what was starting to become known as the Harlem Renaissance. By the 1920’s the amount of African Americans in New York City had more than doubled. Meanwhile the roadways and subway system had just begun to reach Harlem, where some of the most influential Blacks had situated themselves. Soon after, Harlem became known as â€Å"The Black Mecca†and also as â€Å"The Capital of Black America†. The Harlem Renaissance embraced all types of art forms. Jazz, literature, art, film, and dance were some of the main forms. But jazz, literature, and art is what really kept the African Americans going. At this time jazz was known to be the people’s music. It had originated in New Orleans and soon found its way into the nightclubs in Harlem. For the ones who would go out and experience this lively music they would go out to night clubs. Some of the most popular clubs duringShow MoreRelatedHarlem And The Harlem Renaissance Essay2269 Words  | 10 Pagessouthern African Americans migrated to a city called Harlem in New York. They relocated due to dogmatism and intolerance of melanin diverging out the of pores of many white southerners. The African Americans who migrated found new opportunities both economic and artistic that resulted to the creation of a stable middle class Black –Americans (Dover, 2006). This was the Harlem Renaissance a cultural, social, and artisti c explosion. The core of Harlem expressed by Alain Locke is that through art, â€Å"negroRead MoreHarlem And The Harlem Renaissance1430 Words  | 6 Pagesmoved in to urban cities such as Chicago, Detroit, and Harlem. Out of these northern metropolises, the most popular was Harlem; â€Å"here in Manhattan (Harlem) is not merely the largest Negro community in the world, but the first concentration in history of so many diverse element of Negro life†(1050). Harlem became the mecca of black people, and between the years of 1920 and the late 1930s it was known as the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance, brought artiest, poets, writers, musicians, and intelligentRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance850 Words  | 4 Pages Giselle Villanueva History IB Mr. Flores February 7, 2016 Period 4 Word Count: 693 Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was the first period in the history of the United States in which a group of black poets, authors, and essayist seized the opportunity to express themselves. The Great Migration was the movement of six million African Americans from the rural South to the cities of the North during 1916 to 1970. Driven from their homes by unsatisfactory economic opportunities and harsh segregationistRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance1154 Words  | 5 PagesIV AP 16 November 2015 The Harlem Renaissance The early 1900s was a time marked with tragedy in America. Started and ended with the Great Depression in between, it was not America s finest moment. Prohibition was in place, the Klu Klux Klan was still marching, and the Lost Generation was leaving for Paris. But despite the troubling times, people still found beauty and meaning in the world around them. They still created art and celebrated life. The Harlem Renaissance was an artistic and literaryRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance941 Words  | 4 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement, in the early 1920’s, that involved vibrancies of new life, ideas, and perceptions. The large migration of African Americans northward, after World War I, allowed people of color the opportunity to collaborate in the New York City neighborhood, known as Harlem. This renaissance allowed the city to thrive on a refined understanding and appreciation of the arts. Many individuals were involved in this movement including doctors, s tudents, shopkeepers,Read MoreThe Harlem Renaissance1317 Words  | 6 Pagesday is the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance is the cultural movement of the 1920’s. The movement essentially kindled a new black cultural identity through art, literature and intellect. The Harlem Renaissance started during the Roaring Twenties. It took place in Harlem, New York. It became most prominent in the mid to late 1920’s and it diminished toward the early 1930’s (Henderson). The Harlem Renaissance was initially called the New Negro Movement or the New Negro Renaissance. It was theRead More The Harlem Renaissance Essay1513 Words  | 7 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance                 Chapter 1 Introduction      Harlem Renaissance, an African American cultural movement of the 1920s and early 1930s that was centered in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. According to Wintz: The Harlem Renaissance was â€Å"variously known as the New Negro movement, the New Negro Renaissance, and the Negro Renaissance, the movement emerged toward the end of World War I in 1918, blossomed in the mid- to late 1920s, and then withered in the mid-1930sRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1069 Words  | 5 PagesHARLEM RENAISSANCE Throughout the history of African Americans, there have been important historical figures as well as times. Revered and inspirational leaders and eras like, Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement, Nat Turner and the slave revolt, or Huey Newton and the Black Panther Party. One such period that will always remain a significant part of black art and culture is the Harlem Renaissance. It changed the meaning of art and poetry, as it was known then. Furthermore, theRead More The Harlem Renaissance Essay1031 Words  | 5 PagesHARLEM RENAISSANCE Throughout the history of African Americans, there have been important historical figures as well as times. Revered and inspirational leaders and eras like, Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement, Nat Turner and the slave revolt, or Huey Newton and the Black Panther Party. One such period that will always remain a significant part of black art and culture is the Harlem Renaissance. It changed the meaning of art and poetry, as it was known then. Furthermore, theRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance Of The 1920s1557 Words  | 7 Pagesnot until the evil intentions of slavery crossed mankind’s thoughts that hue became our downfall, our separator. White supremacy eroded the idea of equality, and darker hues began to symbolize worthlessness, inferiority, and ugliness. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s evoked the idea of black consciousness and pride. It was a movement established to express black literature, art, music, and culture. Blacks began to wear their dark hue like a badge of honor. Art, literature, and music became the
Strategies for Competing China-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Strategies for Competing in a Changed China. Answer: Analysis of the case study The strategies undertaken in 2004 were appropriate as per the time, the multinational enterprises has to beat the competition in the Chinese market, where the big companies like Motorola already decided to increase their investment. In international business to survive the local players is a big challenge (Williamson Zeng, 2004). Discussing about the first strategy in which the many multinational companies entered the high end market, entering a high end market means not targeting the market that have the maximum number of customers, penetrating into the market targeting the middle class would have been the most appropriate strategy (Armstrong et al., 2015). The strategy of reducing the cost can be said was one of the most effective strategies, once the cost is being reduced then the price of the products will also be decreased thus making the product or service attractive to price sensitive customers (Cavusgil et al., 2014). Recommendations In 2001, the companies missed one of the most important strategies to enter the foreign market. In order to enter a foreign market in partnership with the local players would have been one of the most effective strategies. Collaborating with another company would have reduced the capital for entering the foreign as well as risk of failure of expansion strategy. Joint ventures are one of the most commonly used strategies for entering a foreign market. Buying a Chinese company could have been another effective strategy that would have helped the companies to have a good market share from the very beginning (Jagersma van Gorp, 2003). Apart from the strategies the multinationals could have increased their investment in the research and development department. Before entering an international market it the very important to do industry analysis and competitor analysis, this would have helped the multinationals to know the weaknesses of their competitors and what are the preferences of the customers they are targeting, this could have helped the multinational easily create a competitive advantage over the local players (Wild, Wild Han, 2014). References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Jagersma, P.K D.M. van Gorp, (2003). Still Searching for the Pot of Gold: Doing Business in Todays China, Journal of Business Strategy 24, no. 5 27-35. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. R., Rammal, H. G., Rose, E. L. (2014).International business. Pearson Australia. Wild, J. J., Wild, K. L., Han, J. C. (2014).International business. Pearson Education Limited. Williamson, P., Zeng, M. (2004). Strategies for competing in a changed China.MIT Sloan Management Review,45(4), 85.
Marketing Analysis for Brotherhood Books- myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Write about theMarketing Analysis for Brotherhood Book. Answer: Introduction Marketing is a management process of an organisation that exchanges relationship with the desired customers. Marketing is an activity of an organisation for communication and creating offers for the consumers, partners and clients at large. This study aims to analyse the marketing activities and opportunities of selected organisation Brotherhood Books. Moreover, in the first section of the assignment, this study will focus on market segmentation and target market of the organisation. The objectives of the organisation will be discussed. In the next section, Marketing Mix of the organisation will be analysed light of Brotherhood Books. Lastly, appropriateness of partnership business model for the chosen organisation will be justified. Overview of Organisation Brotherhood Books is a famous social enterprise under Brotherhood of St. Lawrence. This organisation encourages people to donate their used books for recycling or to the poor people. This organisation asks people to contribute funds for charitable purposes. Brotherhood Books organisation has been working for last 10 years and the organisation received more than 45 tonnes of books that have been donated to them (Brotherhoodbooks.org.au, 2017). The organisation sorted and cleaned those donated books and sell through their website. This organisation is in Sydney and one can get the desired books on their doorstep also. This organisation has its community stores and one can browse these books around Victoria. Target Market Main bases of segmentation can be done in four categories. The first segment is geographic segmentation and this includes customer, location, region, urban and classification. Brotherhood Books organisation can target people who live near the community stores around Victoria or they can target the people all over the Australia. The second segment is demographic segmentation and this segmentation is done based on age, gender, occupation, socioeconomic group of customers (Huang Sarigll, 2014). In this respect, Brotherhood Books organisation can target people who are aged and belong from high social class. The people who belong to niche class surely have the habit of reading books and they can purchase and donate books. The third segment is based on behavioural and this is based on the rate and usage, loyalty status of the customers, readiness to purchase products and benefits from the organisation. Moreover, Brotherhood Books organisation can target to the loyalty of the customers who have sympathetic heart towards the poor people and can donate books. Lastly, psychographic segmentation is all about personality, lifestyles, attitudes and class of the customers. Basically, Brotherhood Books can target the upper-class people who have a tendency to read books and socially aware. Upper aged people can be targeted as they can purchase and donate the books accordingly. Higher income level people buy books in most of the time and attitudes towards society can influence to donate books. Objectives of the company To increase the donators of book by 3% within one year To increase the financial profitability of the organisation by 5% within two years To open new community stores in Melbourne and Perth To set up a customer base in Australia using the website and social networking sites Products There are three levels of products that an organisation can offer to the customers. In the first place, there is the core product' and it is an intangible product. The core product cannot be touched and it is benefits one can get from a product (Solomon, 2014). It makes the product valuable. The second level is actual' product and it is tangible. Customers can touch products and can use the products. Lastly, the third level is about augmented product'. This product is non-physical and it has added-value. In case of Brotherhood Books, the organisation's products are used and second-hand books. In this sense, the actual products are second-hand books that can be touched by the customers. The core product is feelings one can have while buying or donating the books for greater purposes. Augmented product in this sense is the membership one can have when donating a book for bigger purposes. The customers can have second-hand books and it is minimal prices from community stores. Price The organisation is a social enterprise and they take pricing decision sensibly. In this case, the organisation needs to determine low-pricing strategy. It can help the organisation to have a large number of customers. In case of donation, the organisation can sell donated books at low price. A Greater percentage of poor people can have these books. Through low-pricing, customers can buy quality books and can contribute to the charitable trust. The organisation does not look for profit and they reinvest the profit 100% to the bigger cause. Place Putting the right products in right place is necessary for marketing (Mintz Currim, 2013). Moreover, place signifies the stores and outlets from where one customer can purchase the products. It also means distribution channels that the organisation used in delivering or supplying the products. Setting at the right place for selling the products is important, in case of Brotherhood Books, the organisation evaluates location for community stores and they chose Victoria for it. Around Victoria, this organisation has many stores, at City HG, Burnside Eltham and other places. The organisation has a head office in Sydney and they have their website, one can buy from there also. Potential clients can be made actual clients by setting community stores at right place. Promotion Promotional activities are important to sell any product to the customers. Second-hand books are sold through marketing agencies or through websites. New customers or donators must know about the organisation and its new stores. Moreover, the organisation can promote their activities through social media, organising social events and banners. As it is a social enterprise, their social cause can be promoted in a cost-effective way through social media pages. Organising events can be beneficial as it may help the organisation to have donors. Brotherhood Books can organise fundraising events where they can ask people to donate charity and books for noble purposes. Partners Business model Partnership in business is important as it shares the responsibilities in a business (Dibb, 2017). Moreover, it is important for a partner to make a valid partnership. In flexible partnership, an organisation makes a partnership with the community in most of the time. Making partnership is not necessary; the organisation needs to make key activities with sharing their resources accordingly (Brown Churchill, 2014). The value proposition is important in this respect with making customer relationship. Customers are important as well as donors for Brotherhood Books store. Utilising the channels of marketing, the organisation can share cost and revenue. Develop flexible plan is necessary for dynamic business plan. Now, Brotherhood Books makes partnership with Victoria based community and opens many stores. In cases, partners need to pivot when plans are not working. Brotherhood Books need to make an association with the community and a community-based group will provide benefits to the o rganisation in evolving business model and access donors. Brotherhood Books needs to adapt quickly. Brotherhood books can make partnership agreements that must define expectation and this may create a win-win situation for the organisation. Conclusion Brotherhood Books sell the old books to the disadvantaged people and one can donate the books to the organisation. The firm is mainly present in the website and they have their stores in Victoria. Moreover, they make the target to the upper-class people with aged people who can donate books. Pricing option is kept as low and they need to promote through social media in meeting the objectives to achieve the customer base and making new stores at different places. Marketing well can create lasting relationship with the customers that can provide benefits to Brotherhood Books to improve brand image and recognition. Reference List About Brotherhood Books | Brotherhood Books. (2017). Brotherhoodbooks.org.au. Retrieved 25 August 2017, from https://www.brotherhoodbooks.org.au/about/ Brown, T. J., Churchill, G. A. (2014).Basic marketing research: Customer insights and managerial action. London: Cengage Learning. Dibb, S. (2017). Changing Times for Social Marketing Segmentation. 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